Digital detox and time management (SC10)

Digital detox and time management (SC10)

Learning Scenario Description
TitleDigital detox and time management 
Creator Seyma Kocak
Main Idea / DescriptionFinding digital balance: Effective detox and time management strategies for students
The students can learn how to find a healthy balance between the use of digital media and other activities. The emphasis is on developing practical detoxification strategies to reduce screen time, as well as time management skills to enhance efficiency in both school and daily life. Students will learn various techniques to reflect on their relationship with digital media, organize their time more effectively, and improve the quality of their sleep.
Target GroupStudents
Student’s age 15-18
Time: 120 min
Curriculum & Learning SubjectsPsychology. Computer Science and Media Literacy, Social Studies/Ethics
Competencies– Students learn the importance of balancing digital media use and other areas of life.
– Students recognize the potential negative impact of excessive digital media use on their health and well-being.
– Students learn to create practical plans to reduce screen time, including set times without digital devices.
– Students try different methods to limit their daily digital media use, such as app limits and deliberate media breaks.
– Students conduct regular self-reflections to evaluate and adjust their relationship with digital media.
– Students learn to collect feedback on their time and media use and adjust to achieve their goals more effectively.
Teachers’ Wellness Competences Competences Teachers Need for Technostress Mitigation: 
– Knowledge of technostress risks and mitigation strategies.
– Ability to identify technostress risks in distance learning scenarios.
– Ability to design distance learning scenarios that mitigate technostress risks.
– Ability to support learners who are experiencing technostress.
– Ability to protect themselves from experiencing technostress.
Teacher socioemotional e-competencies:
– Emotional e-awareness
– E-self-management
Learning Scenario Framework
Pedagogical MethodWhat positive learning strategies are incorporated into the scenario to prevent or mitigate technostress?What is the focus of these positive learning strategies?
– Foster collaboration and support (Teacher-student and peer relationships)
– Promotion of Individual emotional well-being 
– Selection of suitable teaching methods for student-centred learning (effectiveness of learning)
Positive pedagogical interventions:
PI1. Emphasising strengths (Lean on your strengths and have a positive mindset)
Software & Materials 1. Delivery Platform:
The scenario can be delivered through a learning management system (LMS) such as Moodle, or a dedicated educational platform.Video conferencing tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams can be used for live sessions.
2. Tools and Resources:
– Presentation slides or documents outlining key concepts.
– Video content explaining the impact of technostress and strategies for mitigation.Interactive quizzes or surveys for self-assessment.
– Discussion forums for collaborative learning and sharing experiences.Time management apps or tools for practical implementation.
3. Interaction:
– Learners can interact through live virtual sessions, discussion forums, and collaborative documents.
– Group activities or projects to encourage peer-to-peer interaction.
4. Learning Space:
Learning can take place in a dedicated online environment accessed through the LMS.Learners will need a quiet and comfortable space for viewing content and participating in discussions.
5. Actors (Facilitators):
Teachers or facilitators guiding the sessions.IT support personnel for technical assistance.Guest speakers or experts for specific topics related to technostress.
6. Technostress Mitigation:
Technology Configuration: Ensure that the learning platform is user-friendly, accessible, and free from technical glitches.Technology Use: Encourage responsible and mindful use of technology during the sessions.
Network Connections: Provide guidelines for stable internet connections and troubleshooting tips.Regular check-ins to address any technical issues and provide support.
Evaluation ToolsAssessment:
1. How will you assess learners’ learning?
Quizzes and Surveys: Regular quizzes on key concepts and strategies.
Practical Application: Assess the implementation of time management techniques in real-life scenarios.
Participation: Evaluate engagement in discussion forums and live sessions.
Project Work: Assess collaborative projects related to digital detox planning.
2. How will you provide feedback to learners on their performance?
Individual Feedback: Personalized feedback on quizzes and assessments.
Discussion Forums: Engage in discussions to address queries and provide guidance.
Peer Review: Encourage peer feedback on collaborative projects.
Written Feedback: Detailed feedback on practical applications and project work.
3. How will you assess the effectiveness of technostress mitigation?
Surveys and Feedback Forms: Periodic surveys to gauge learners’ stress levels and their perception of the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.
Performance Metrics: Analyze improvements in time management and reduction in technostress-related issues.

1. How will you help learners reflect on their learning?
Reflection Journals: Encourage learners to maintain reflection journals on their digital detox journey.
Discussion Sessions: Conduct debriefing sessions where learners can share experiences and insights.
Self-Assessment: Guide learners in self-assessing their progress and achievements.
2. What questions will you ask them to think about?
Personal Impact: How did the strategies impact your daily life and well-being?
Challenges Faced: What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
Learning Points: What have you learned about time management and digital detox?
Future Planning: How do you plan to continue practicing digital detox and time management?
3. How will technostress mitigation be discussed in the debriefing?
Open Discussions: Facilitate open discussions on learners’ experiences with technostress.
Identifying Triggers: Discuss specific technostressors encountered and strategies to mitigate them.
Sharing Strategies: Encourage learners to share successful technostress mitigation strategies with peers.
Feedback Incorporation: Discuss how learners can incorporate feedback received into their ongoing practices.
Learning Scenario Implementation
Learning Activities Scenario Events:
Instructors introduce the topic of digital detoxification and time management, discussing the effects of excessive screen time and digital distractions.
Students recognize the importance of digital detoxification and time management in coping with technostress. They learn practical strategies to reduce digital distractions and efficiently utilize their time. Finally, they apply what they have learned in their own lives to optimize time management and practice digital detox.
Information sheets provide an overview of the concepts and aspects of digital detoxification and time management. Building on this, a video is presented to assist in the development of worksheets.
For one day, students implement their strategies for digital detox and time management. At the end of this day, they reflect on their experiences and challenges. Throughout the event, students share their experiences and recommendations for digital detox and time management in the class. On the last day, students present their plans to the class and collectively reflect on what they have learned and how they can apply it in their lives. As a final project, students create a written reflection on their experiences with digital detox and time management, including overcome challenges, achieved successes, and future goals.


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