Project results
The following results are planned:

R1: Overview of European distance learning positification (Requirements and Stakeholder Analysis)

R2: Competency Framework for Positive Digital Solutions

R3: Open Learning Scenarios and Exchange Platform (User Support Bundle)

R4: Distance Learning Positification Implementation Guidance

R5: Distance learning Positification Roadmapping
Pappa, D., Pawlowski, J., Clements, K. & Sotiriou , S. (2023). Technostress in Distance Learning: the POSITIVE LEARN project. In Education and New Developments 2023 – Volume 2 (pp. 494-498). doi: https://doi.org/10.36315/2023v2end110
Pawlowski, J., Pappa, D., Clements, K. & Sotiriou , S. (2023). Covid-19: Rethinking the Skills Required of 21st Century Educators. In Education and New Developments 2023 – Volume 1 (pp.563-567). doi: https://doi.org/10.36315/2023v1end125
Pappa, D., Pawlowski, J., Clements, K. & Sotiriou, S. (2024). Positive digital learning: Challenges and path forward for educators. In “Education Applications & Developments Book Vol. IX”, M. Carmo Ed. pp. 207-222. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36315/2024eadIX17
Saana Mehtälä, Markus Salo & Henri Pirkkalainen (2024) Navigating the ‘grey zone’: teachers’ practices around students’ online interactions, Educational Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00131881.2024.2305824
Pappa, D., Pawlowski, J., Clements, K., Sotiriou, S., Mehtälä, S. & Kocak, S. (2024). Positive Digital Learning: Guideline for developing positive distance learning scenarios. In EDULEARN24 Proceedings (pp. 10180-10189). IATED. doi: https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2024.2462
Pappa, D., Pawlowski, J., Clements, K., & Sotiriou, S. (2024). Technology-enhanced education in schools: challenges to well-being. In ICERI2024 Proceedings (pp. 7362-7371). IATED. doi: https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2024.1772