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Parental involvement and school programs in the context of technostress (CS11)

Learning Scenario Description
Title  Parental involvement and school programs in the context of technostress
Creator         CreatorSeyma Kocak
Main Idea / DescriptionSchools can also involve parents and promote school programs to raise awareness of technostress and encourage healthy use of technology. Involving parents and schools is crucial for raising awareness of technostress as they play a key role in their children’s education. Parents are the primary caregivers and have a unique understanding of their children’s technology use. They must understand the impact of excessive technology use on the learning environment, including concentration, social interaction, and academic performance. Early recognition of signs of technostress through active participation in awareness events allows for timely intervention. Co-designing school programs with parents considers their insights and promotes a holistic approach. Understanding the definition of technostress and working together on comprehensive solutions to meet students’ needs is essential.
Target Group Target Audience:
Parents and Teachers120 min
Curriculum & Learning SubjectsSensitization of parents, school committee, and teachers
CompetenciesLearning Objectives:
To be able to protect oneself and others from possible dangers in digital environments (e.g. cyber bullying).
Teachers’ Wellness Competences Competences Teachers Need for Technostress Mitigation: 
– Knowledge of technostress risks and mitigation strategies.
– Ability to identify technostress risks in distance learning scenarios.
– Ability to design distance learning scenarios that mitigate technostress risks.
– Ability to support learners who are experiencing technostress.
– Ability to protect themselves from experiencing technostress.
Teacher socioemotional e-competencies:
– Emotional e-awareness
– E-self-management
Learning Scenario Framework
Pedagogical MethodWhat positive learning strategies are incorporated into the scenario to prevent or mitigate technostress?What is the focus of these positive learning strategies?
– Foster collaboration and support (Teacher-student and peer relationships)
– Promotion of Individual emotional well-being 
– Selection of suitable teaching methods for student-centred learning (effectiveness of learning)
Positive pedagogical interventions:
PI8.  Focusing on Sense of purpose (Have a voice and be active)
Software & Materials Distance Learning Context:
How will the scenario be delivered to learners? What platform will the scenario be delivered on?
The scenario will be delivered through a virtual learning environment. This could be a platform like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or a specialized e-learning platform that supports interactive features like forums, video conferencing, and digital assignments.
The choice of platform will depend on accessibility for learners and the capability to support various interactive and multimedia content.
What tools and resources will be needed?
Essential tools include a stable internet connection, a computer or tablet capable of running the chosen platform, headphones (preferably with a microphone for clear communication), and access to digital learning materials (such as PDFs, videos, and interactive modules). Tools for creating and sharing content, like digital whiteboards or document-sharing platforms, can enhance interactivity.
How will learners interact with the scenario?
Learners will interact with the scenario through synchronous and asynchronous activities. Synchronous interaction includes live discussions, webinars, and role-playing exercises conducted in real time. Asynchronous interaction involves engaging with course materials, participating in forum discussions, and completing assignments independently.
In which space will learn to take place on the learner’s side?
Learning will primarily occur in the learners’ homes or any personal space where they can access a computer and an internet connection. This setting emphasizes the importance of creating a conducive learning environment at home, free from distractions and comfortable for extended engagement periods.
Who are the actors involved? (facilitators)
The primary actors involved are educators or facilitators specialized in family wellness and digital health. They will guide the learning process, provide resources, lead discussions, and give feedback. Technical support staff may also be involved in assisting with any issues related to the use of technology.
How will technostress mitigation be addressed in this distance learning setting? (technology configuration, technology use, and network connections)
In a distance learning setting, technostress mitigation will be addressed by
– Providing clear instructions and support for technology configuration to minimize technical difficulties and frustrations.
– Encouraging regulated use of technology with planned breaks to prevent screen fatigue and promote digital wellness.
– Offering guidance on optimizing network connections and digital tools to ensure a smooth and stress-free learning experience.
– Incorporating discussions and activities that specifically address the challenges of technostress in a digital learning environment, such as managing distractions at home and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
– Implementing user-friendly and accessible technology to reduce the learning curve and anxiety associated with using new digital tools.
Evaluation ToolsAssessment
How will you assess learners’ learning?
To assess learners’ understanding of Technostress and its mitigation, a combination of methods can be used. These could include quizzes focused on key concepts, reflective essays where parents describe their experiences and understanding, and practical assignments where they implement strategies to manage Technostress in their family setting. Role-playing scenarios can also be effective, where parents act out how they would respond to specific Technostress situations.
How will you provide feedback to learners on their performance?
Feedback will be constructive and personalized. For written assignments, detailed comments can highlight strengths and areas for improvement. In practical assignments, feedback can be given through one-on-one discussions or group feedback sessions, focusing on how effectively the parents applied Technostress mitigation strategies. During role-playing exercises, immediate feedback after each scenario can help in reinforcing correct practices and correcting misunderstandings.
How will you assess the effectiveness of technostress mitigation?
The effectiveness of Technostress mitigation can be assessed through follow-up surveys or interviews, asking parents about changes in their family’s digital habits, stress levels, and overall well-being. Additionally, parents can be asked to keep a diary or log of their digital usage and stress levels before and after implementing mitigation strategies, providing tangible data for assessment.

How will you help learners reflect on their learning?
Facilitated group discussions can be a powerful tool for reflection.
Encouraging parents to share their experiences and insights with each other can provide different perspectives and deepen understanding.
Guided meditation or mindfulness exercises can also be used to help parents reflect inwardly on their learning and experiences.
What questions will you ask them to think about?
Questions for reflection could include:
– How has your understanding of Technostress changed?
– What strategies have you found most effective in managing Technostress in your family?
– How have the changes you implemented affected your and your family’s digital habits and overall well-being?
– What challenges did you encounter while implementing these strategies, and how did you overcome them?
How will technostress mitigation be discussed in the debriefing?
In the debriefing, Technostress mitigation will be discussed by reviewing the strategies that were taught and implemented. The discussion will focus on what worked, what didn’t, and why. Sharing of personal experiences by participants will be encouraged to provide real-life context. The facilitator will guide the conversation towards understanding the long-term benefits of these strategies and how they can be adapted and improved upon in the future. This discussion aims to reinforce the importance of ongoing effort in managing Technostress and adapting strategies as family dynamics and digital environments evolve.
Learning Scenario Implementation
Learning Activities (Description, duration, worksheets         worksheets   etc.)Scenario Events:
The teacher or expert on student technostress briefly introduces the topic. 
Parents learn what technostress is, how to recognize it, and learn some techniques on how to reduce it. This way, parents can help their children identify and mitigate technostress.
The exploration begins with an information sheet and case study, which are then discussed with other parents.
Parents reflect on their experiences of technostress in their children.
