Photosynthesis (CS38)

Photosynthesis (CS38)

Learning Scenario Description
TitleWhy is photosynthesis important?
Creator         Nikos Zygouritsas
Main Idea / DescriptionThis activity follows the Inquiry-Based Learning methodology. We will use the 5-step approach: Orientation, Conceptualization, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion.In this lesson, students will be invited to learn about photosynthesis using the inquiry-based learning methodology. The lesson starts by triggering their curiosity and asking them to reflect on what they know about the issue. Later they will put their understanding to the test by making their own hypothesis, gathering data, analysing it, making conclusions, and discussing them with their colleagues.
Target GroupTarget Audience:Students aged 11-12 years old
Curriculum & Learning SubjectsScience, ICT
CompetenciesLearning Objectives:
In this activity, students:
– learn about photosynthesis
– learn to collaborate
– learn to communicate
– learn to work in groups
Teachers’ Wellness Competences – Emotional e-awareness
– Social e-competency
– Emotional leadership/ e-mediacy
Learning Scenario Framework
Pedagogical Method– PI1. Emphasising strengths (Lean on your strengths and have a positive mindset)
– PI3. Enforcing attention and Awareness (Be attentive and aware)
– PI4. Relationships support (Support and work well with others)
– PI5. Learning resilience (Learn to cope and become resilient)
– PI6. Encouraging engagement (Engage students in self-directed and dedicated learning)
– PI8.  Focusing on Sense of purpose (Have a voice and be active)
Software & Materials – Internet connection
– Internet Browser
– Presentation Application (Microsoft Powerpoint)
– Design Software
– Padlet software
Evaluation Tools– Worksheets: Teachers can assess students through the completion of worksheets and/or online questionnaires
– Students’ work: Teachers can assess the work of the students, their presentations, artwork.
Learning Scenario Implementation
Learning Activities The Learning Scenario can take three sessions of 45 minutes.It is presented as a learning activity here: 
The teacher presents the learning activity by posing relevant questions:
– Photosynthesis?
– Do you know what plants need to grow?
– Have you ever heard of the process of photosynthesis?
– Do you know what “photosynthesis” mean?
Let’s watch a video
The leaves of a plantMake groups of 5sFind pictures of leaves on the internetObserve them closelyWrite down your observations this link to write down your observations
Let’s discuss
– What do you think the plant takes from the air?
– What do you think happens when sunlight reaches the leaves?
Inquiry activity
Make groups of of 5s
Research and present information about how plants grow
Discuss your findings with the other groups

CONCEPTUALIZATION – In this phase the teacher introduces relevant concepts and students will begin to make their hypotheses before testing them.
Photosynthesis is like magic for plants! It’s how they make their own food…
Imagine if you were a plant sitting out in the sun. You would need something to eat, right? But plants can’t go to the grocery store like we do. So, they have a special superpower called photosynthesis to make their own food.

Step 1: Sunlight
Plants need sunlight to start making food. Just like you need light to see, plants need sunlight to make their food. They use something called “chlorophyll,” which is like their special sunlight-catcher.
Step 2: Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Plants also need something called carbon dioxide, which is in the air we breathe. You know how you breathe out air? Well, you’re actually breathing out a little bit of carbon dioxide, and that’s what plants like to eat.
Step 3: Water (H2O)
Plants drink water from the ground through their roots, like how you drink water from a cup. They use this water in the food-making process.
Step 4: Mixing it all Together
Now, here’s where the magic happens. Inside the plant’s leaves, the chlorophyll catches the sunlight, and it helps mix the carbon dioxide from the air and the water from the ground.
Step 5: Making Food
With the help of sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water, the plant starts cooking up its food. It’s like making a delicious meal! And the food that plants make is called “glucose” or “sugar.” It’s their favorite snack.
Step 6: Oxygen (O2)But guess what? While the plant is making its food, it also gives something back to us. It releases something called oxygen into the air. That’s the same oxygen we breathe to stay alive. So, plants are like our green friends who make the air fresh and clean.And that’s how photosynthesis works! Plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make their own food (glucose) and give us oxygen in return. It’s a pretty amazing process, and it’s why plants are so important for our planet. So, next time you see a plant, remember it’s doing a little bit of magic to stay alive and make our world a better place!

RESEARCH: Students will now conduct their research In the school garden!
In groups 5s, choose a plant to work with
Cover a small section of the plant’s leaves with a piece of paper, securing it with a rubber band or clip
What do you think will happen to the covered leaves compared to the uncovered leaves?
After 30 minutes, remove the paper and observe and compare the covered and uncovered leaves.Take notes of your observations

Now that the groups have reached their conclusions, it is time to present their results to their colleagues. This is a perfect time for them to learn how to present their arguments and review what they have learned so far.
Present your findings
Now is the time to move forward and present your findings to other groups. You are free to use any application you want to present your conclusions and discuss with others
Let’s talk about why plants are so important for us and all the other living things on Earth, like animals and insects.
Plants are like the Earth’s oxygen factories:
Imagine if you had a robot friend that made yummy cookies for you every day. Well, plants are like our Earth’s robot friends, but instead of cookies, they make something super important for us: oxygen!When plants do their magical process called photosynthesis (just like we talked about earlier), they make oxygen as a bonus. This oxygen is the air we breathe, and we need it to stay alive! So, plants help keep the air clean and fresh so that we can breathe and be healthy.
Plants are nature’s chefs:
Now, think about your favorite food. Who makes that food for you? Well, plants make food for lots of animals and even for themselves. They’re like nature’s chefs!Plants make delicious things like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Animals, like cows, rabbits, and birds, love to munch on plants to get their food. So, when we eat these animals or the fruits and vegetables, we’re actually eating food that started with plants. Plants are like the first cooks in the kitchen of nature!But that’s not all. Plants also give animals a place to live. Trees, for example, provide homes for birds and squirrels, and bushes offer hiding spots for insects. Without plants, many animals wouldn’t have a safe place to live and find food.

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