Pervasiveness of IT use – boundaries between home and school live (CS25)

Pervasiveness of IT use – boundaries between home and school live (CS25)

Learning Scenario Description
TitlePervasiveness of IT use – boundaries between home and school live
Length45 minutes + pre-task
Main idea/descriptionBuilding a more comprehensive understanding of how IT use can be present and cross different physical environments and how this might shape the everyday experiences of young people
Target group12-15 years olds
Curriculum/learning subjectshealth sciences / IT
CompetenciesThe students will learn about the importance of setting boundaries for their IT use. The students will also learn to differentiate between school-related and leisure-related IT use, which helps them understand their profile as IT users better
Teachers’ wellness competencesTC1. Emotional e-awareness
Learning Scenario Framework
Pedagogical methodPI3. Enforcing attention and Awareness (Be attentive and aware)
Software/materialsZoom and break-out rooms can be used for delivering this scenario in online mode. It is important that the students can discuss in pairs, but also as a group with the teacher. 
The conferencing tool used should be familiar to the teacher and the students to make the situation as seamless as possible to the students. The situation can also be made more tangible by adding the used conferencing tool as one of the discussion points.
Evaluation toolsThe teacher can visit the discussion rooms and if necessary, provide support to the students. Peer-evaluation can be encouraged by adding a step where the pairs are put into groups of 4 and the solutions are being compared between two pairs.
Learning Scenario Implementation
Learning activities This scenario aims to shed light on the complexities of IT use in the modern lifestyle. As a preparative task, the students are expected to write down for one day all their IT use-related tasks, namely: 
1) What application/device did I use 
2) For what purpose 
3) Was it related to school or leisure time
In the actual session, the students are put into pairs. The pairs are expected to discuss: (15 minutes)
1) What kind of activities were the most prominent during your     day? 
2) What is characteristic about your leisure-related IT use? 
3) What about school-related IT use? 
4) Did the two contexts ever overlap? Why/why not? 
5) Do you feel that your school-related activities ever disturb your leisure time? What about the other way around? Why/Why not? 
Finally, the pairs will come up with solutions on how to keep your life balanced in the age of technology (15 minutes). The solutions proposed by the pairs will be discussed together as a class (e.g, each pair will write their best advice on a Miro board to facilitate class discussion, 10 minutes). 
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