Vincent Van Gogh: Life, Art and Legacy (SC36)

Vincent Van Gogh: Life, Art and Legacy (SC36)

Learning Scenario Description
TitleVincent Van Gogh: Life, Art and Legacy
Creator         CreatorNik Nikos Zygouritsas
Main Idea / DescriptionThis scenario is designed for secondary students to better understand the work, life and legacy of Van Gogh. This lesson is also based on Project-based learning. Students develop a comprehensive understanding of the life, art, and legacy of Vincent van Gogh. They actively explore Van Gogh’s works, artistic techniques, and impact on the art world
Target Group Students aged 14-15 years old
Curriculum & Learning SubjectsArt, ICT
CompetenciesLearning Objectives:
– Students will understand the work and legacy of Van Gogh.
– Collaboration
– Communication
– Searching and evaluating information
Teachers’ Wellness Competences Emotional e-awareness
Social e-competency 
Emotional leadership/ e-mediacy
Learning Scenario Framework
Pedagogical MethodPI1. Emphasising strengths (Lean on your strengths and have a positive mindset)
PI3. Enforcing attention and Awareness (Be attentive and aware)
PI4. Relationships support (Support and work well with others)
PI5. Learning resilience (Learn to cope and become resilient)
PI6. Encouraging engagement (Engage students in self-directed and dedicated learning)
PI8.  Focusing on Sense of purpose (Have a voice and be active)
Software & Materials – Internet connection
– Internet Browser
– Presentation Application (Microsoft Powerpoint)
– Design Software
Evaluation Tools– Worksheets: Teachers can assess students through the completion of worksheets and/or online questionnaires
– Students’ work: Teachers can assess the work of the students, their presentations, arrtwork.
Learning Scenario Implementation
Learning Activities The Learning Scenario can take three sessions of 45 minutes.It is presented as a learning activity here:
The teacher explains what the activity is, how it relates to what the students are learning. The teacher lists the objectives of the activity and what students should be able to do at the end.The teacher starts the lesson with an intriguing multimedia content or question to set the mood: teacher presents the periods of Van Gogh’s artistic journey
The teacher then presents 5 of his most famous works
Student activity:
Students make groups of 5sThey choose a specific period or artwork of Van Gogh to research in-depth
The teacher presents the artistic techniques and works as well as the artistic style and influences of Van Gogh.

Student activity:
In their groups, students discuss about Van Gogh’s distinctive style, use of color, and brushwork.They discuss how his technique evolved throughout his artistic career.They conduct further research on Van Gogh’s artistic techniques during your assigned period and create a presentation showcasing your findings.The teacher presents Van Gogh’s impact on the art world as well as his influence on later generations of artists

Student activity:
Students in their groups, discuss Van Gogh’s impact on the art world, including his influence on later generations of artists.They research and present case studies of contemporary artists inspired by Van GoghThey research and create a visual display showcasing Van Gogh’s influence on contemporary artists.

Student activity:
Students in their groups, discuss the emotions and themes often portrayed in Van Gogh’s works.They share their personal connections to Van Gogh’s artIndividually or in pairs, they create an original artwork inspired by Van Gogh’s style, using their preferred medium (painting, drawing, or digital art).
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