Social media, emotions and stress (CS22)

Social media, emotions and stress (CS22)

Learning Scenario Description
TitleSocial media, emotions and stress
Length45 minutes + pre-task
Main idea/descriptionHelping students understand emotions that relate to social media use
Target group9-12 years olds
Curriculum/learning subjectshealth sciences / IT
CompetenciesThe students will learn about their routines related to social media use. The students also learn to identify emotions that might be related to social media use.
Teachers’ wellness competencesTC5. Emotional leadership/ e-mediacy
Learning Scenario Framework
Pedagogical methodPI2. Emotional management (Learn to understand your emotions)
Software/materialsZoom and break-out rooms can be used for online delivery. The teacher should be able to give a presentation to the students and assign the students to groups for group working. Camera is not needed, but the students should be able to talk to one another.
It is important that the students and the teacher are comfortable with using the chosen conferencing tool. Mindmapping tools can also be used to make the outputs of the groups more visible – for example, the students can provide their conclusions using padlet or miro.
Evaluation toolsThe teacher can monitor the students’ learning by visiting the groups and by supporting the discussions if they seem to come at a halt.
Learning Scenario Implementation
Learning activities This learning scenario aims to help students to critically evaluate their own social media use. First, the students are expected to keep a diary of their social media use for the week. At the end of each day, the students should write down: What social media applications did I use?For what purposes?
After having kept a diary, the students will have a 45 minute session with their teacher. First, the students are put to groups of 3-4 people. The students should discuss: (10 minutes)1) What applications they use and for what purposes 2) Why 3) What is something positive that has happened to them in online environments (i.e., what they get out of it)? 4) What is something not so positive? 
Next, the teacher introduces vignettes about different feelings that can be associated with social media use (e.g., hand-out). For each vignette, the students are expected to discuss in groups (15 minutes):What is the problem of each person?How could the person resolve the situation they are facing?How could others help them in this situation?
At the end of the session, the teacher and the students reflect on the experiences together. (15 minutes)

Attachment 1 – Vignettes
Mary loves chatting with her friends using different applications. This includes sending funny videos to her friends, commenting on each others’ posts and spamming random emojis to the group chat. However, sometimes Mary feels that her phone is over crowded with all the notifications, and she might even feel like a bad friend when she does not have the energy to thoughtfully go through all the content her friends have shared.

Robin follows online discussion boards very actively. They like to discuss with people that are interested in the same topics, such as gaming. However, not all the posts that Robin comes across are worth reading, and they have noticed that some discussions or users can be very rude. This seems to spread among the community, and reading through the comments is not bringing as much joy to Robin as it used to. 

Lucas gets very excited about new games. He spends a lot of time gaming with his offline and online friends, and they have a lot of fun together. Lately, it has become more difficult for Lucas to focus on other aspects of his life – he might not be able to stop gaming at a reasonable hour, and he feels very tired at school the next day. Especially in the morning time, Lucas might promise to himself that he will go to sleep at a reasonable hour, but still ends up doing the exact same thing in the evening. 
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