Develop agility (CS19)

Develop agility (CS19)

Learning Scenario Description
TitleDevelop agility
Creator Seyma Kocak
Main Idea / DescriptionStudents should develop an understanding of agile thinking by using a digital homework organizer. Through daily use, students should keep a digital diary in which they recognize technostress and its effects. They should develop the ability to use technology without stress.
Target Group Student’s age 14-16
Time: 1 Week
Curriculum & Learning SubjectsComputer Science
Competencies– the capacity to identify and understand one’s own emotions in a virtual context
– explain well-defined and routine ways to how to avoid health risks and threats to physical and psychological well-being while using digital technologies
Teachers’ Wellness Competences Competences Teachers Need for Technostress Mitigation: 
– Knowledge of technostress risks and mitigation strategies.
– Ability to identify technostress risks in distance learning scenarios.
– Ability to design distance learning scenarios that mitigate technostress risks.
– Ability to support learners who are experiencing technostress.
– Ability to protect themselves from experiencing technostress.
Teacher socioemotional e-competencies:
– Social e-competency 
– E-self-management
– Emotional e-independence
Learning Scenario Framework
Pedagogical MethodWhat positive learning strategies are incorporated into the scenario to prevent or mitigate technostress?What is the focus of these positive learning strategies?
– Foster collaboration and support (Teacher-student and peer relationships)
– Promotion of Individual emotional well-being 
– Selection of suitable teaching methods for student-centred learning (effectiveness of learning)
Positive pedagogical interventions:
– PI7.  Goal oriented learning (Be persistent and work towards your goals) 
– PI8.  Focusing on Sense of purpose (Have a voice and be active)
Software & Materials Developing an agile mindset in children while reducing technostress in the context of distance learning requires well-thought-out planning. 
1. delivery of the scenario to the learners
– Platform: The scenario is delivered via a user-friendly and reliable online learning platform like Google Classroom, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams. The platform should be child-friendly and easy to navigate.
2 Tools and resources required
– Digital tools: Computers or tablets, stable internet connection, learning management system (LMS), and specific apps or software if required.
– Learning materials: Interactive learning modules, videos, digital worksheets, digital homework organizer, and digital diary.
3. learner interaction with the scenario
– Active participation: Children interact with the scenario through online discussions, group work, interactive tasks, and reflection activities.
– Feedback loops: Regular feedback from teachers and classmates, both synchronous and asynchronous.
4. learning space on the learner side
– Personal learning space: Learners should study in a quiet, well-lit environment, preferably at a desk or other place suitable for learning.
-Adaptable environment: Allow for adjustments in the learning space to promote comfort and concentration.
5 Facilitators involved
– Teachers and support staff: Guide and support the learning process and provide guidance and feedback.
– Parents: They play a supportive role by optimizing the learning environment at home and helping with technical problems.
6. approach to reducing technostress in distance learning
– Technology configuration: Use age-appropriate tools to ensure a child-friendly and intuitive user interface.
– Technology use: limit screen time, schedule regular breaks, and encourage off-screen activities.
– Network connections: Stabilizing the internet connection through technical support and providing alternative learning materials in case of connection problems.
Evaluation ToolsAssessment
1. assessment of learning success
– Methods: Use formative assessments such as interactive tasks and discussion rounds.
– Observations: Recording children’s engagement and participation during learning, especially in discussions.
2. feedback to learners
– Individual feedback: Personalized comments on assignments and projects to highlight strengths and areas for improvement.
– Ongoing feedback: Regular feedback during the learning process, not just at the end of units or projects.
– Peer feedback: Encouraging constructive feedback among the children themselves to promote social skills and self-confidence.
3. evaluation of the effectiveness of technostress reduction
– Self-reports: use of digital diaries in which children document their feelings about technology use and stress.
– Observations: Watch for signs of stress or feeling overwhelmed during online sessions or using online apps.
– Parent feedback: Incorporating feedback from parents regarding changes in behavior at home.

1. support reflection on learning
– Reflection guide: Provide questions or diaries to encourage children to reflect on their learning experiences.
– Group discussions: Facilitated discussion groups where children share their thoughts and experiences.
2. reflection questions
– What did you learn today?
– How did you feel while working on the projects/tasks?
– What strategies did you use to overcome challenges?
– Were there moments when you felt stressed by technology?
– How did you deal with it?
3. discussion of technostress reduction in the debriefing
– Sharing experiences: Encouraging children to share their experiences of technostress and how they coped with it.
– Reflecting on technology use: Discuss how technology can be helpful and challenging.
– Creating awareness: Clarifying the importance of breaks, physical activity, and time away from screens.
Learning Scenario Implementation
Learning Activities 1. introduction 
– Aim: To inform children about the agile mindset and technostress concept.
– Activities:Short, interactive presentations or stories introducing the agile mindset and technostress.Discussions about the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and teamwork.Introduction to the basics of technostress and its impact on wellbeing.
– Expected outcomes: Children understand the basic concepts and recognize the importance of agile mindset and technostress management.
2. exploration
– Goal: Children experiment with agile methods and recognize technostress triggers.
– Activities:Group projects where children apply agile principles such as iteration and feedback (e.g., simple science experiments or group art projects).Role play to simulate different scenarios of technostress and develop strategies to solve them.
– Expected outcomes: Children gain hands-on experience with agile methods and begin to identify and understand technostress.
3. deepening (elaboration)
– Aim: To deepen understanding and apply what has been learned in more complex situations.
– Activities:More complex projects that require more self-organization and critical decision-making.Keeping a diary in which children document their experiences of coping with technostress.Creating mini-presentations or posters that demonstrate solutions to technostress.
– Expected results: Children apply agile principles more independently and develop strategies for coping with technostress.
4. reflection
– Aim: Reflecting on learning experiences and applying insights.
– Activities:Reflection discussions in which children share their experiences and challenges.Group discussions on the importance of an agile mindset and techniques to reduce technostress.Creation of an “action plan” containing individual strategies for dealing with technostress in everyday life.
– Expected outcomes: Children recognize the value of an agile mindset, are more aware of the impact of technostress, and have developed personal strategies for coping


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