Awareness of social media (SC3)

Awareness of social media (SC3)

Learning Scenario Description
TitleAwareness of social media
Creator         CreatorSeyma Kocak
Main Idea / DescriptionStress caused by social media
By participating in social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and the like, we are always up to date, reachable, and can participate in various conversations simultaneously. The constant accessibility, the social pressure to constantly compare ourselves with others, cyberbullying, data protection issues, and much more can lead to health problems if our usage behavior is poor. As the issues affect young people and adults, pupils and teachers should use the teaching unit to examine the topic critically. 
The learning scenario follows the second scenario, which deals with stress identification. Now, it is about how stress can be reduced. Firstly, reasons are given for the intensive use of social media.
Tips are given on how, for example, the duration of use can be reduced, privacy can be protected, etc.
TikTok serves as an example platform.
Target Group Teachers and students
Teachers and students at secondary level 2
Age: 16-18
Time: 90 min
Curriculum & Learning SubjectsEthics, politics, computer science, media studies
CompetenciesStudents will be able to identify stress symptoms that can arise from using social media.
They will develop the skills to reflect on their social media usage habits critically and learn strategies to reduce stress.
Teachers’ Wellness Competences Competences Teachers Need for Technostress Mitigation: 
– Knowledge of technostress risks and mitigation strategies.
– Ability to identify technostress risks in distance learning scenarios.
– Ability to design distance learning scenarios that mitigate technostress risks.
– Ability to support learners who are experiencing technostress.
– Ability to protect themselves from experiencing technostress.
Teacher socioemotional e-competencies:
– Emotional e-awarenessEmotional leadership/ e-mediacy
– Social e-competency 
Learning Scenario Framework
Pedagogical MethodWhat positive learning strategies are incorporated into the scenario to prevent or mitigate technostress?What is the focus of these positive learning strategies?
– Foster collaboration and support (Teacher-student and peer relationships)
– Promotion of Individual emotional well-being 
– Selection of suitable teaching methods for student-centered learning (effectiveness of learning)
Positive pedagogical interventions:
PI3. Enforcing attention and Awareness (Be attentive and aware)
Software & Materials Distance Learning Context for Conscious Use of Social Media:How will the scenario be delivered to learners? What platform will the scenario be shown on?
The scenario can be delivered through a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Moodle, Canvas, or Blackboard.
Virtual classrooms or video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams can also be utilized for live sessions and discussions.
What tools and resources will be needed?
Required tools and resources may include:
– Learning Management System (LMS) for content delivery, assignments, and assessments.
– Video conferencing tools for live sessions and discussions.
– Online articles, videos, or interactive modules related to conscious use of social media.Discussion forums or collaboration tools for asynchronous communication.
How will learners interact with the scenario?
Learners can interact through:
– Participation in virtual classes or live discussions.
– Engaging with online readings, multimedia content, or interactive modules.
– Collaborating on group projects or discussions using discussion forums.
– Submitting assignments and receiving feedback through the LMS.
In which space will learning take place on the learner’s side?
Learning can take place in the learners’ home environment or any location of their choice with a stable internet connection. Learners may use personal devices such as computers, laptops, or tablets.
Who are the actors involved? (facilitators)
Actors involved include:Instructors or facilitators who design and guide the course.
Technical support staff for addressing potential technology-related issues.
How will technostress mitigation be addressed in this distance learning setting? (technology configuration, technology use, and network connections)
Technostress mitigation can be addressed by:
– Providing clear guidelines on technology use and platform navigation.
– Offering technical support for learners encountering issues.
– Ensuring that the learning platform is user-friendly and accessible.
– Promoting a balance between online and offline activities to reduce screen time-related stress.
– Encouraging the use of collaboration tools to foster a sense of community and support among learners
Evaluation ToolsAssessment:
How will you assess learners’ learning?
Assessment methods may include:
– Assignments where learners analyze and present the impact of social media on stress.
– Participation in online discussions or forums.
How will you provide feedback to learners on their performance?
Feedback can be delivered through:
– Written discussion posts.
– Group feedback sessions via video conferencing.
How will you assess the effectiveness of technostress mitigation?
The effectiveness of technostress mitigation can be assessed through:
– Surveys or reflective assignments to gather feedback on learners’ stress levels and the perceived impact of mitigation strategies.
– Analysis of participation and engagement metrics to understand how well learners adapted to and benefited from technostress reduction measures.
How will you help learners reflect on their learning?
Facilitate reflection through:Virtual discussion forums where learners can share insights.
What questions will you ask them to think about?
– How has your understanding of stress from social media evolved during the course?
– Can you identify specific instances where you applied strategies to mitigate technostress, and how effective were they?
– What challenges did you face in managing technostress, and how did you overcome them?
How will technostress mitigation be discussed in the debriefing?
Discuss technostress mitigation by:
– Sharing success stories or challenges faced by learners in implementing these strategies.
– Encouraging an open dialogue on the ongoing relevance of these techniques in learners’ lives, focusing on the context of stress from social media.
Learning Scenario Implementation
Learning Activities (Description, duration, worksheets etc.)Scenario Events:
The teacher briefly introduces the topic of conscious use of social media and first explains what technostress is and which technostressors it can be attributed to. The teacher then explains how awareness can be built up in connection with technostress in social media. A presentation is available for this purpose. 
The students learn about the reasons for the intensive use of social media. They find out where they can get instructions and information, e.g., adjusting privacy settings on their accounts and checking their own settings.
The worksheets are worked on in pairs.
Finally, the students discuss how easy it was to implement measures, their experience with them, and how they found the scams used by the platform operators.


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